Chiropractors and other health experts have found that people who have a tendency to slouch or slump while standing, sitting, or even walking also tend to experience many kinds of health conditions, which can be mild or even severe. 

Many concerns the average person deals with on a daily basis, such as headaches, muscle stiffness, upper and lower back pain, infections, may actually be indirectly impacted by your posture and the positioning of your spinal column.

The spine is important because it keeps the entire body in alignment and in balance. It also houses the central nervous system, which facilitates proper communication between the body and the brain. Slouching and hunching over can degrade the health of the spine over time, causing increased pressure and tension which can end up harming the central nervous system as a result. If this happens to the nervous system, other functions of the body may begin to have trouble working correctly, leading to inflammation, digestive issues, and more.

Thus from a Chiropractor's perspective, posture is the window to health status. 

Dr Liam Weston
Principle Chiropractor & Regional Lead